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419.289.8387 (VETS)

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  8a-6p  Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri
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Flea and Tick Protection

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To complement our nose to tail physical examinations and assessments, we provide comprehensive diagnostic services by using our in-house laboratory and equipment by our trained doctors and staff, as well as utilizing leading national veterinary laboratories.  Chemistry, hematology, microbiology, anatomic pathology, cytology and molecular tests are routinely run to provide your pet with comprehensive care.

Health tests are always changing, and we work hard to offer the most useful tests for your pet.  Some common diagnostics we offer include:

Blood Chemistry Profiles & Cell Counts - Our testing typically includes about 25 chemical parameters and up to 30 red and white blood cell parameters.  The chemistry tests help to identify both normal and abnormal organ systems - kidney, liver, pancreas, thyroid, adrenal gland, pituitary.

Advanced Thyroid Testing - For diagnosis or monitoring of both canine hypothyroidism and feline hyperthyroidism.

Therapeutic Drug Monitoring - For pets whose long-term medication use requires careful monitoring for accurate dosing, and any side effects.

Senior Pet Profiles - Aging often brings metabolic changes. We recommend blood work testing at senior pets’ wellness exams to catch any changes early.

Complete Urinalysis - This full chemistry and sediment study helps to diagnose urinary tract abnormalities, as well as abnormalities caused by other body systems that affect the nature of the urine produced or the kidney and bladder health.

Fecal Parasite Testing via Centrifugation - We use the technique that is the gold standard for routine identification of companion animal intestinal parasites.

Heartworm Testing (Canine and Feline) - Heartworm disease is spread by mosquitoes and is potentially fatal.  Simple blood testing can identify its presence.

Feline Viral Testing (FeLV & FIV) - Highly recommended upon any cat adoption, before starting the feline leukemia vaccination, or any unexplained illness.

X-Ray Imaging (incl. contrast studies) - Used for both soft-tissue and orthopedic evaluations, is often an integral component to the ill-patient diagnostic plan.

Specialized Dental X-ray Imaging - Our equipment along with our advanced training helps identify underlying oral pathology that is rarely visible to the eye.

Electrocardiograms and Rhythm Studies - Along with thoracic x-rays the ECG helps to characterize cardiac abnormalities including structural changes and arrhythmias.

Intraocular Pressure Measurement - Catching glaucoma or intraocular inflammation early is imperative to help maintain eye health and vision.

Cytology and Histopathology Services - When skin infection or worrisome tumors arise, samples can be evaluated to help provide a diagnosis and treatment direction.